
Cosa vuol dire programmare

One of the hardest things to learn in programming is not the syntax you need to learn, but how to apply it to solve real world problems. You need to start thinking like a programmer — this generally involves looking at descriptions of what your program needs to do, working out what code features are needed to achieve those things, and how to make them work together. This requires a mixture of hard work, experience with the programming syntax, and practice — plus a bit of creativity. The more you code, the better you’ll get at it. We can’t promise that you’ll develop “programmer brain” in five minutes, but we will give you plenty of opportunities to practice thinking like a programmer throughout the course.

  • Michele Schimd © 2024
  • Ultimo aggiornamento: 17/02/2024
  • Materiale di studio e di esercizio per gli alunni dello Zuccante.

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